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Ways to Stay Cool and Save Money

Sweet summertime is here! Summer brings cookouts, beach trips, swimming, and other enjoyable times. Summer also brings scorching temperatures! The Air Doctor is your prescription for comfort. Below we will give you 5 simple ways to stay cool and save money.

  1. Ceiling Fans. Most ceiling fans have a switch on them that changes the direction that the blades turn. During the summer, switch fans to run counterclockwise. According to the US Department of Energy, switching the fan direction can allow you to turn up the thermostat about 4°F.
  2. Less Cooking Indoors. “If you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen”. That is great advice if you want your home to stay cool. Plan meals that require less stove or oven time. Cook meals outdoors on a grill whenever possible.
  3. Light Bulbs. Incandescent light bulbs produce a notable amount of extra heat. Before you leave a room, make sure to turn off the lights. Consider changing your bulbs to no or low-heat bulbs. LED and Compact Fluorescent bulbs emit little to no heat and are more energy-efficient, saving you money on utilities.
  4. Window Coverings. The sweltering summer sun has no trouble heating your home. Closing curtains and blinds will help to keep the heat from the blazing sun rays out of your home. Conserve energy by opening the blinds to let in natural light instead of turning on the lights. Make sure to close the blinds before you leave the room.
  5. Thermostat Settings. “Being smart about how you control your temperature settings will help you to save money and stay comfortable. You can save as much as 10% per year…”. (Tips on Saving Money and Energy in Your Home. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, October 2017, Set your thermostat to the highest temperature that you are comfortable while you are home during the day. You can choose to turn the thermostat down to a cooler setting at night when there is less of a heat load on your house. Being conscious of your thermostat settings will keep the AC unit from having to run longer and work harder.

Keep your cool and your money by managing the heat being introduced into your home, while being mindful of your thermostat settings. For more tips and tricks on ways to stay cool and save money, make sure to check The Air Doctor out on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Call The Air Doctor and schedule your next HVAC maintenance or service call. 252-215-0966. Our friendly office staff is ready to assist.


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